Graand Kinetic Challenge teams are out to prove that their kinetic art sculpture vehicle is the best--best in art, best in engineering, best in speed, best in pageantry, and best all around!

Since 1993, the Graand Kinetic Challenge has been held on the 3rd weekend of July in Corvallis, Oregon. This fabulous event hosts teams from up and down the West Coast, sometimes across the country, and right here in Benton County.
Of the many challenges within the overall event, the biggest test is the race itself, and what a course it is! Racers must ride over 20 miles of city streets, over a man-made sand dune, through 200 feet of deep, thick, sticky mud, and down 1.6 miles of the Willamette River.
All of this under pedal power with no help from their friends (or spectators)!

Kinetic sculptures are moving works of art, pedaled by human power over a rigorous, all-terrain course by teams of fun-loving racers. These engineering marvels move in all kinds of ingenious ways, sculpted into all sorts of fantastic shapes--sea anemone, school bus, flying pink elephant, slice of cheese, yellow submarine--everything imaginable! And the racers and their pit crews are part of the art, decked out in costume and trying to out-compete each other in the entertaining show they put on for the spectators!
Interested in how to build your own entry? Thanks to our Kinetic Kounterpart, Elliot Naes, you can learn with this downloadable pdf: "How To Build A Kinetic Sculpture"

The teams consist of pilots, pit crew and the entourage. Kinetic Pilots pedal the sculpture and steer, the pit crew assists the pilots in transforming the vehicle for the various elements and fixing mechanical issues, and the entourage is the loyal group of friends and family providing support and more fun to the teams. The teams give out "bribes" to the judges, race committee members and of course the adoring Graand Kinetic Challenge fans.
PHOTO: Tina Kerrigan, 2022

Spectators are welcome to follow the race on their bikes (please mind all traffic laws that apply). Seeing these amazing and inspiring works of art and engineering is a reminder that it's fun to get around under pedal power!
On Sunday, after the racers are through the Mud Bog Challenge, spectators can play in the mud!

In the competitions for speed, design, artistry, and pageantry, there are great prizes donated by local artists and businesses. Special recognition in all sorts of other categories honors the spirit and dedication of racers with trophies and prizes. For teams that complete the race under their own power, there is the coveted Leo medallion.