Judging and awards are a big part of the fun.
On Saturday morning, teams run a gauntlet of Art and Engineering judges and perform their required team song.
Engineering **must LEO to win**
Timing **must LEO to win**
Time will be determined from the time to complete the course, plus additions for penalties and other infractions as determined by the Timekeepers and minus 30 minutes for each Rumble Seat Passenger, and minus 30 minutes for qualified participation in the Lumenata Light Parade. See comments under Race Timing for special handling of the mud, river and sand times. The team with the best time after penalties will receive 10 points, the slowest team will receive 1 point and all others will be distributed in between in proportion to their time. Teams must complete all sections of the course to qualify. “Complete” means getting your machine across the finish line for each section without resorting to non-human power. You can enlist the spectators if you need more help to drag it to the finish (see HUMAN Powered, Dude! Rule).
Pageantry will be determined by the total of the pageantry scores received from each judge divided by the number of judges. Pageantry Judges will be watching you during the 10:00 AM Saturday judging and throughout the weekend — give ‘em your best performance. Judging is based on such things as humor, theatrical appeal and thematic role playing. s). Pageantry scores will be normalized between 1 and 10 and will be added to the total of the other scores, with a 10% weighting. Put another way — you will be able to get a total score of 33 if you get a perfect 10 in each of the 4 categories. (For the mathematically inclined, the formula is: (A+E+S) + 3xP/10 = T.)
Engineering will be determined by the total of the engineering scores received from each judge divided by the number of judges. Engineering Judges will be at the 9:00 AM Saturday check-in, and throughout the race. Each judge has his or her own technique for collecting this information, so please be prepared to answer questions about, and to demonstrate, your Sculpture. Engineering judging is based on the creativity of the Sculpture design for dealing with various course obstacles, ingenious ways of solving problems, imaginative use of materials, and quality of construction. A Sculpture falling apart or failing to negotiate an obstacle leaves a definite negative impression. Engineering scores will be normalized between 10 and 1.
Artistry will be determined by the total of the artistry scores received from each judge divided by the number of judges. Art Judges may score each Sculpture from 1 (worst) to 10 (best) in integer steps (i.e. no 1/2 points). The Artistry Judges will be gathering information during the 9:00 AM Saturday judging. Judging is based on the creative craftsmanship of the entire Sculpture “experience” and includes such things as use of color, costumes and 2- and 3-dimensional artistic designs (including “gratuitous” moving parts). Art scores will be normalized between 10 and 1.
This is the team that has the best combination of engineering design, artistic design, time, course completion, and spirit. In other words, the top total score in Engineering, Artistry, Pageantry, and Time, plus tie-breaking based on time.
SPONSORED BY PRAx (Patrica Valian Reser Center for the Creative Arts)
50 MILE RADIUS - LOCAL Prize value $200
This is the team from the Lane/Linn-Benton County area with the top total score in Engineering, Artistry, Pageantry, and Time, plus tie breaking based on time. If the winner has already won the Graand Champion prize, then this prize will be awarded to the next best local team. Local is defined to mean that the majority of team members who designed, constructed, and rode the machine live within a 50-mile radius of downtown Corvallis, OR.
Sponsored by Old Spaghetti Factory
This is the team from outside the Lane/Linn Benton County area that has the top total score in Engineering, Artistry, Pageantry and Time, plus tie breaking based on time. If the winner has already won the Graand Champion prize, then this prize will be awarded to the next best team. The majority of team members who designed, constructed, and rode the machine must live outside of a 50-mile radius of downtown Corvallis, OR.
Sponsored by DORE (Discover Oregon Real Estate)
This is the team with the top Engineering score, if they have already won the Graand Champion Prize, they get the title but no cash. ** YOU MUST LEO TO WIN **
Sponsored by Odd Fellows Barnum Lodge #7
1st PLACE ARTISTRY Prize $150
These are the teams with the top 2 Artistry scores, if they have already won Graand or Local Champion, they get the title but no cash.
Donated by The Arts Center
1st PLACE TIME Prize
This is the team with the top Time score, if they have already won the Graand Champion Prize, they get the title but no cash** YOU MUST LEO TO WIN **
1st PLACE PAGEANTRY Prize $150
This is the team with the top Pageantry score, if they have already won the Graand Champion Prize, they get the title but no cash
Sponsored by Odd Fellows Barnum Lodge #7
Every judge gets one vote each for their four top personal favorite teams, based on whatever criteria each individual judge chooses to use. The team with the most votes win.
Every pilot and official pit crew gets one vote each for their four top favorite teams. The team with the most votes win.
This will be awarded to the team selected by a “Spectators’ Vote.” Spectators will decide on their favorite Sculptures by means of a cunning and thoroughly democratic voting method.
Sponsored by ReMarkable Arts/Conundrum House
This one is awarded at the whim of the Graand Wizard.
Sponsored by Graand Visions Ink
GODDESS JEN-O’s Fave Prize: $150
Only the Goddess knows how you qualify.
Sponsored by Goddess Jen-O
POOH BAH’s CHOICE Prize: Fistful of gold coins ($100)
You’ll just have to ask the Grand Pooh Bah. It’s a secret…
Sponsored by John Sechrest
KING OF KLUCK Prize: $100
This will be awarded to the team with the most King of Kluck brownie points.
Sponsored by Mark Schurman
DAN MONK AWARD Prize: $100
Awarded to the fastest time on the water on Sunday.
Sponsored by The Lutefisk Organization in memory of Dan Monk
Award determined by the Teddy Bear Judge(s), who look for fit with ART theme, costuming, PFD, and they may wonder if you’ve taken great care to cuddle your Teddy Bear.
Sponsored by The Toy Factory
BEST SONG Prize $50
Impress the Judges with your PAG song during your Pageantry Performance, or whenever requested!
Sponsored by The Troubadour Music Center
This delectable one will be awarded to the team with the clearest 'signal' to the hams.
Sponsored by Anthony Odenthal & BCARES
Judges love bribes! So do the crowds. Bring your best deal-sweeteners and see what happens!
Tie breaking will be based on Time ranking; faster teams get the edge. If two teams have the same time, the Judges will break the tie. All prizes will be awarded (if necessary a team will get more than one prize). Prizes subject to change without notice.
Some of the rules are of special note to spectators. Sculptures must carry the following equipment at all times during the Race:

A flag, prominently waving in the breeze at all times, which symbolizes an important aspect of the team's philosophy of life, the universe, and everything.
One copy of the final and official da Vinci Days Graand Kinetic Challenge Rules in a water tight container.
A whistle for every pilot while on the water for safety--as required by the State of Oregon.A team song/chant demonstrating cunning rhyming technique, utilizing the team name and the words da Vinci, kinetic and Corvallis, to be performed on demand by the Judges.
A thematically appropriate, comforting, and/or cuddly stuffed animal, preferably bear-ish and of fabric composition.
The most important rule to keep in mind is that
the real point of this race is for everyone to have fun.
Friendly competition is encouraged, but don’t let the value of the prizes entice you into forgetting the “friendly” part. The judges can and will banish anyone who falls into this trap.
Violation of a rule without a penalty will receive a 15-minute addition of time.
Some of the rules are of special note to spectators. Sculptures must carry the following equipment at all times during the Race:

1. A flag, prominently waving in the breeze at all times, which symbolizes an important aspect of the team's philosophy of life, the universe, and everything.
2. One copy of the final and official da Vinci Days Graand Kinetic Challenge Rules in a water tight container. (You can get 'em here)
3. A whistle for every pilot while on the water for safety--as required by the State of Oregon.

4. A team song/chant demonstrating cunning rhyming technique, utilizing the team name and the words da Vinci, kinetic and Corvallis, to be performed on demand by the Judges.
5. A thematically appropriate, comforting, and/or cuddly stuffed animal, preferably bear-ish and of fabric composition.